Jixit Mobile Gaming 슬롯 게임 초보자 매뉴얼 – 온라인 슬롯 머신 게임 타이틀과 관련된 일반적인 유형

슬롯 게임 초보자 매뉴얼 – 온라인 슬롯 머신 게임 타이틀과 관련된 일반적인 유형

슬롯에서 동전이 부딪히는 소리와 잭팟 벨이 크게 울리는 소리는 모두 세계에서 가장 인기 있는 카지노 게임을 연상시키는 소리입니다. 그것은 오랫동안 도박 현장을 지배해 왔습니다. 매력은 “대박을 얻으려면 올바른 조합을 얻으십시오”라는 간단한 규칙에 있습니다. 이 레크리에이션은 월드 와이드 웹에서 효과적인 것으로 확인되었습니다. 웹 카지노에서는 훨씬 더 흥미롭고 재미있는 게임을 만들기 위해 다양한 버전의 게임을 제공합니다. 슬롯 초보자에게 잭팟 벨이 처음으로 크게 울리는 것보다 더 짜릿한 것은 없습니다. 따라서 최고의 상을 받기 위한 이러한 목표를 위해서는 몇 가지 접근 방식을 공식화할 준비를 하기 위해 다양한 슬롯 비디오 게임 장비를 찾는 것이 매우 중요할 것입니다. 시작하자.

1) 무료 슬롯 게임 – 무료 슬롯은 해당 기능을 위해 특별히 설계되었기 때문에 일반적으로 후속 게임이라고 합니다. 이 게임은 실제 슬롯의 시뮬레이션이며 플레이어에게 게임이 어떻게 진행되는지에 대한 아이디어와 통찰력을 제공하는 데 유용합니다. 대박을 터뜨릴 수는 있지만 그 과정에서 금전적인 것은 전혀 얻지 못합니다.

2) 전통적인 슬롯 게임 타이틀 – 이러한 온라인 게임은 일반적으로 19세기에 발견된 원래 슬롯 장비와 같이 3개의 릴이 포함된 기계를 사용하여 플레이됩니다. 잭팟을 터뜨리려면 유일하게 수익성 있는 라인을 얻어야 합니다. 플레이어는 단일 및 다수의 동전 가능성을 얻을 수 있습니다. 일부 코인을 즐기면 지불금이 늘어납니다. 기존 슬롯의 예로는 Wow Pot 및 Revenue Splash가 있습니다.

3) 5릴 슬롯 게임 – 제목에서 알 수 있듯이 게임에서는 다중 릴 머신 대신 5릴 머신이 사용됩니다. 추가 릴은 일반적으로 게임의 스릴을 높일 수 있습니다. 추가된 기호를 사용하면 새로운 수익성 있는 조합을 생성할 수 있습니다. Genie’s Gem은 이러한 유형의 게임에 적합한 사례입니다.

4) 멀티라인 슬롯 비디오 게임 – 기존의 슬롯 게임 타이틀과 달리 멀티라인 슬롯 비디오 게임은 확장성이 매우 뛰어납니다. 이러한 추적은 표준 직선 방향 외에도 각도가 있거나 경사지거나 교차될 수 있습니다. 일렉트릭 플라워(Electric Flower)는 다중 라인 슬롯을 표현한 그림입니다.

5) 프로그레시브 슬롯 게임 – 프로그레시브 슬롯을 즐기시면 게임을 많이 할수록 잭팟이 증가합니다. 그리고 많은 사람들이 슬롯을 즐기기 때문에 상금은 최대 수십만 달러에 달할 수 있습니다.

6) 비디오 게임 슬롯 보너스 – 일부 슬롯 게임, 특히 인터넷 비디오 슬롯사이트 게임에서는 추가된 게임의 라운드로 인해 상금이 증가(두 배, 세 배)될 가능성이 있습니다. 보너스 게임 타이틀은 이를 위한 옵션입니다.

거기 있어요. 여러 일러스트레이션을 다루는 슬롯머신 게임의 전형적인 6가지 유형을 검토했습니다. 온라인 슬롯의 확산으로 인해 더 넓은 플레이어 네트워크에서 이 스포츠를 더 많이 이용할 수 있게 될 가능성이 높습니다. 인터넷 온라인 게임에는 게임에서 실제 기회를 잡기 전에 기술을 테스트할 수 있는 완전 무료 슬롯이 있습니다. 게임에 더욱 익숙해지면 다른 게임과 마찬가지로 슬롯머신 게임도 대부분 오락용이라는 점을 명심하세요. 따라서 특히 최고 상금을 획득하자마자 매달려 있으면 분할하십시오. 결국 탐욕은 고난을 낳고 여러분의 시스템은 그것을 원하지 않습니다.

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가장 똑똑한 플레이어는 바람에 완전히 주의를 기울이지 않고도 게임의 스릴을 즐기는 방법을 알고 있습니다. 신중한 카지노 게임 플레이어를 위한 상위 5가지 팁은 다음과 같습니다..

1 – 각 슬롯의 요구 사항 확인

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새로운 슬롯 게임을 플레이하기 전에 항상 급여 표를 확인하세요. 이렇게 하면 행운을 시험하기 전에 규칙, 이용 약관을 확실히 이해할 수 있습니다. 간단한 슬롯 게임의 경우, 기계 전면 패널에 페이 테이블이 표시되어 있을 가능성이 높습니다. 또한 급여 표 하단이나 옆에 작은 글씨가 있는지 주의 깊게 살펴보세요..

게임이 어떻게 작동하는지 확실히 이해함으로써 확률을 이길 가능성을 높이는 동시에 자신의 기대치를 관리할 수도 있습니다..

2 – 베팅 금액을 작게 유지하세요

누구든지 “크게 가거나 집에 가세요”라고 말하면 집에 가라고 말하세요!.

장기적으로 볼 때 더 큰 베팅이 더 큰 총 상금을 의미하지는 않습니다. 그것은 단순히 게임의 성격입니다. 실제로 수익을 낼 수 있는 최고의 확률을 얻으려면 항상 장기전을 염두에 두고 플레이하세요..

왜 이런거야? 더 많은 베팅을 할수록 승리할 확률이 높아지기 때문입니다. 더 큰 베팅은 자금을 훨씬 더 많이 소모하기 때문에 하이 롤러 접근 방식은 많은 수익을 보기 전에 자금을 고갈시킬 가능성이 높습니다. 이러한 접근 방식은 전적으로 자금이 바닥나기 전에 큰 승리를 거둘 수 있는 운이 있느냐에 달려 있으며, 이것이 일어날 것이라는 보장은 없습니다..

크고 반짝이는 잭팟이 당신을 산만하게 만드는 것을 허용하지 마십시오. 게임을 시작하기 전에 신중하게 예산을 계획 하고 테이블에 놓을 수 있는 금액을 결정하세요. 그런 다음 선택한 베팅 금액에 따라 얼마나 많은 베팅을 할 수 있는지 고려하십시오..

예산이 부족하다면 베팅 금액에 관계없이 동일한 상금을 지급하는 게임이 가장 안전한 방법입니다..

3 – 더 작은 잭팟의 측면에서 오류

합법적이고 라이센스가 있는 뉴질랜드 온라인 카지노 에서 찾을 수 있는 가장 큰 슬롯 잭팟은 진보적인 카지노입니다. 특정 게임의 모든 플레이어의 모든 베팅이 함께 모아져 잭팟 총액을 구성하기 때문에 엄청난 금액으로 성장할 수 있습니다. 플레이어 풀이 클수록 프로그레시브 잭팟도 커집니다. 이러한 빅 잭팟 슬롯은 최종적으로 돈을 지불하는 데 훨씬 더 오랜 시간이 걸리는 경향이 있습니다..

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4 – House Edge 및 RTP 이해

능숙한 카지노 게임 플레이어가 되기 위해 꼭 알아야 할 두 가지 용어는 “이론적 플레이어 복귀(RTP)”와 “하우스 에지”입니다. 이는 통계적인 승리 빈도를 결정하는 게임 규칙에 따라 게임마다 다릅니다..

RTP는 플레이어가 총 베팅에 대해 얼마나 많은 승리를 기대할 수 있는지를 반영하며 백분율로 표시됩니다. 한편 하우스 에지는 동일한 동전의 반대편을 나타냅니다. 이는 시간이 지남에 따라 백분율로 표시되는 카지노의 통계적 이점입니다. 예를 들어 RTP가 85%인 카지노 게임의 하우스 에지는 15%입니다..

일부 인기 카지노 게임의 전형적인 하우스 에지는 다음과 같습니다..

  • 슬롯 머신:2-15%
  • 싱글제로 룰렛: 2.70%
  • 더블제로 룰렛: 5.26%
  • 블랙잭: 0.28%
  • Jacks or Better 비디오 포커(전액 지불): 0.46%

RTP는 항상 하우스 에지보다 높기 때문에 일부 초보 도박꾼은 확률이 플레이어에게 유리하게 압도적으로 쌓여 있다고 생각하는 실수를 범합니다. 이러한 잘못된 생각은 RTP/하우스 에지가 각 개별 베팅에 정확하게 적용 가능하다는 잘못된 가정에 기반을 두고 있습니다. 그렇지 않습니다..

RTP와 하우스 에지는 몇 달 또는 몇 년에 걸쳐 계산됩니다. 이는 단일 베팅이나 주사위 굴림에는 특별히 적용되지 않습니다. 예를 들어 하우스 엣지가 10%라고 해서 돈의 최소 90%를 보유한다는 보장은 없습니다..

그러나 이것이 RTP나 하우스 에지를 귀하와 무관하게 만드는 것은 아닙니다. 하우스 에지가 낮을수록 게임의 기본 규칙으로 인해 불리한 점이 줄어듭니다. 이 점을 염두에 두면 플레이할 때 더 현명한 결정을 내리는 데 도움이 됩니다. 현명한 결정은 더 많은 성공으로 이어집니다..

또한 하우스 에지/RTP를 단독으로 고려해서는 안 됩니다. 변동성도 마찬가지로 중요합니다..

5 – 변동성 이해

본질적으로 카지노 게임 변동성은 지급 빈도와 규모의 조합을 의미합니다. 이는 상금이 통계적으로 어떻게 분포되는지를 나타내며 높음, 중간 또는 낮음일 수 있습니다..

  • 변동성이 낮은 게임은 작은 승리를 꽤 자주 제공합니다. 낮은 잠재적 보상에 대한 위험이 낮습니다.
  • 변동성이 높은 게임은 드물게 큰 배당금을 제공합니다. 높은 잠재적 보상에 대한 높은 위험.
  • 중간 변동성은 분명히 중간 정도의 잠재적 보상에 대해 중간 위험을 제시하는 게임을 의미합니다.

결론 및 보너스 팁

궁극적으로 이러한 모든 카지노 게임 팁은 위험과 보상의 균형을 맞추는 것입니다. 이렇게 하는 것이 돈을 깰 가능성 없이 더 오랫동안 게임을 계속할 수 있는 가장 좋은 방법입니다..

다음은 신중한 사람들을 위한 몇 가지 보너스 바카라사이트 팁입니다:.

  • 크랩스에서는 “패스” 또는 “패스 안 함”을 고수하세요.
  • 룰렛에서는 외부 베팅만 플레이합니다.
  • 경마 베팅에서는 베팅을 적당하게 유지하세요.
  • 블랙잭에서는 분할할 준비를 하세요.
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Include Enjoyable With On-line Slot Game Together With 3 Reel Slot GameInclude Enjoyable With On-line Slot Game Together With 3 Reel Slot Game

People who adore to execute gambling casino video games know very in effect that how substantially enthralling and the good is the slots lark. It is essentially depends on your luck that how a lot you can get type this sport and if you strike the kitty and you gained then it is just like you have changed your daily life with your luck. There are various techniques of enjoying the slots like you can execute them by just likely to any gambling casino where different types of the slot devices are positioned or you can engage in it even online by just seance in your residency. It is well-advised hokiraja for the newbies that they take up off from the on the web slots and 3 reel slots. To play through the a few reel slots is truly easy and it is not the make a remainder for the massive money. If you straight want to execute the other slots then the probabilities of descending the oppose turn into larger so it is reall greater to start from the a few reel slots. You can very easily understand the guidelines of this recreation and even the rules are very straightaway ahead Ekings.Various themes for on the web slots and a few reel slotsThere are different themes given on the on the net slots and 3 reel slots like from hobo camp animals to American Indians and from 7 oceans to fruits. It reall depends on your decision and wonder that which kind of the conception you want to pick out. After this you can stat the cavort. If you are enjoying the on the internet Betwin89 s then you do not need to be related about the pattern of the frisk and slots you will get from that simply because it is actually like to those slots which you find in the casinos which are land supported mostly. On the on the cyberspace slots the casinos use some sort of software system which generates the figures every which wa.Three reel slots deviceWhen you guess on the a few reel slots you have to tick on the release of the spin. If you are actively playacting it on the on-line slots then the computer software begins it run and retains the document of the accessible ensuant unselected figures with the established of a few and it is quite effective and quick. If you try out the on-line three slot devices with the other devices in the casinos hokiraja then you will expose the on the web slots far more productive.Three reel slots equipment are reall easy to deal with and do due to the fact they have the express spend strains and generally one to five. You can easily know the principles of the game and also stick to the game with out any problems. If you know something about the 3 reel slots then you will appear to know that there is edition among the 1 with binary shell out strains and the 1 with the one pay out line. If you do with the one pass line then if there is any raise of your bet volume then the payout scale also changes. If you enjoy with the numerous pay out line if your bet on sum raises the pass line increases as well.The macrocosm of slots has turn into an progressively aggressive marketplace in Recent epoch a long time. Not long back, in the 1970’s, roughly 90 p.c of the mart was owned by 1 stage business, Bally Gaming Techniques. As a result, in the course of that time, if you were to play a slot simple machine it is most very likely that you terminated up enjoying one created by Bally. Now there are effectively over a twelve slot device manufacturers in the manufacture, which includes package programme designers that generate slot machines for on the cyberspace casinos. Subsequent, even though not a thorough list, is a try out of some of the superior names in the discipline of standard slot manufacturing.AC Coin amp; Slot was established in 1978 in Pleasantville, New Jersey. I never know about you, but when I viewed Reese Witherspoon and Tobey Maguire in Pleasantville, I practiced no construct the town was actual. I definitely did not consider it was in New Jersey, although components of the Yard Point out seem to be pleasurable enough. Any way, AC Coin amp; Slot started out constructing hokiraja slot equipment around the demand same time gaming was legalized in New Jersey and at the second, in summation to promoting their subjective slots, are the scoop distributor of slots produced by International Sport Engineering in Atlantic Metropolis.Aruze Company, dependent in Japan, creates slot and other trade. They are commissioned to cook up and slot devices in Nevada, New Jersey and Mississippi. Aruze Gaming The married states, their U.S. department, is dependant in Vegas and is a one century-owned subsidiary.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Online Slot GamingA Comprehensive Guide to Online Slot Gaming

The world of online gambling has seen exponential growth over the last decade, with online slot games at the forefront of this expansion. These digital adaptations of traditional slot machines have captivated audiences with their vibrant visuals, engaging gameplay, and coveted jackpots. Not only do they provide players with entertainment, but they also provide opportunities to win big.

Online slot games operate similarly to conventional slot machines. The primary aim is to achieve a combination of symbols on one of the game’s paylines. Most games use symbols ranging from fruits to numbers, and sometimes even popular characters or themes. It is predominantly a game of chance, relying primarily on luck rather than strategy or skill.

One major distinguishing factor of online slot games is their flexibility and convenience. They can be played at any time, from virtually anywhere in the world, given the player has an internet connection. This offers a level of personal freedom unmatched by physical casinos, while still providing the thrill of gambling. In addition, many online casinos offer free versions of these games, allowing players to practice and familiarize themselves before wagering real money.

Furthermore, the digital nature of online slot games allows developers to offer a plethora of unique features and bonuses not found in traditional slot machines. These may include wild symbols, scatter symbols, free spins, bonus games, progressive jackpots, and more. These bonus elements can significantly enhance gameplay, increase potential winnings, and maintain player engagement.

Perhaps one of the most exciting aspects of online slot gaming is the concept of progressive jackpots. These jackpots increase incrementally each time the game is played but not won. They can reach enormous amounts, resulting in life-changing payouts for the lucky winners. These escalating prizes add an additional layer of excitement, enticing both new and seasoned players alike.

However, as with any form of gambling, playing online slots should be conducted responsibly. It’s important to never bet more than you can afford to lose. Setting personal expenditure limits, taking regular breaks, and understanding the basic mechanics of the game are all good practices to follow. Remember, the primary purpose of these games is entertainment. Enjoying the process should be as important, if not more so, than the potential winnings.

There’s no denying the allure of online XO98 s. They offer a unique blend of excitement, convenience, and the potential for profitable rewards. Thanks to their ever-evolving features and themes, there’s indeed a slot game out there for every player. And who knows? With a little luck, you might just hit that life-changing jackpot.

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Learning This Thrills The Complete Self-help Guide To On Line CasinosLearning This Thrills The Complete Self-help Guide To On Line Casinos

The earth of casinos is a enchanting intermingle of chance, scheme, exhilaration, and high-stakes decision-making. To anyone new, the brightly lights, myriad game options, and active vim can seem overwhelming. However, with the right understanding, traversing the gambling take aback can become an invigorating undergo rather than an intimidating one.

Casinos have been salient sources of amusement for centuries, providing patrons with various games of such as blackjack, toothed wheel, salamander, and slot machines. These games cater to a variety show of skill sets and preferences, offer infinite opportunities for win and fun. Most of these games revolve around a combination of skill, strategy, and a splash of luck.

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Online casinos have also risen in popularity in Holocene old age, bringing the Batman138 go through to the console of players’ homes. These virtual platforms volunteer the same array of games as telluric casinos, with the added gain of being accessible anytime, anywhere. Moreover, the development trends of live dealers and virtual reality in online casinos aim to retroflex the immersive feel of a real casino, ensuring the experience is as thrilling as at a physical locale.

In conclusion, casinos offer numerous opportunities for entertainment, repay, and engagement. Whether on the vivacious gaming shock of a physical casino or the realistic arenas of online platforms, long-suffering invoke comes from the blend of chance, strategy, and cut vibrate that these gaming houses cater. For both novices and experienced gamblers, understanding and appreciating this moral force world can transmute an ordinary bicycle night out into an unforgettable stake.

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ข้อดีของข้อเสียของ ดราฟท์เอ็นเอฟแอลข้อดีของข้อเสียของ ดราฟท์เอ็นเอฟแอล

ปลายเดือนเมษายนถือเป็นช่วงที่กีฬาการเล่นกำลังดุเดือดในซีซั่นที่ฟุตบอลสามารถผ่านพ้นไปได้อย่างน่าเสียดาย – ขออภัย XFL – และไม่ได้กลับมาเริ่มต้นใหม่อีกเลยเป็นเวลาหลายเดือน มีนาคม ความบ้าคลั่ง กลายเป็นเพียงความทรงจำที่ติดตาม ลางและรูปแบบการเอียงของ NBA อาจจะเริ่มต้นขึ้นแล้ว แต่เส้นทางกลับดำเนินไปเหมือนเกมเพียงสัปดาห์ละครั้งเท่านั้น ดังนั้นนักเล่นเกมที่มีแนวโน้มที่จำเป็นต้องมีความสม่ำเสมอตรงนี้มีงาน ที่ดีที่ดีในคืนนี้ในสุดสัปดาห์ในเดือนเมษายนซึ่งนักประวัติศาสตร์จะรู้จักตัวจริงและจะลงทุน

NFL Draft ประจำปีปี 2022 ต้องใช้เวลา 28 เมษายนถึงวันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 พฤษภาคม 2023 พนักงานต้อนรับจะไม่พิจารณาการดราฟต์เป็นงานที่สดใหม่แต่ในช่วงไม่กี่ปีที่ผ่านมานี้การดราฟต์ได้สามารถเป็นได้ การเริ่มต้นใหม่ด้วยความเร็วของเกมออนไลน์ตั้งแต่แรกเริ่มขึนมาถึงเว็บใหม่กีฬา งานอย่าง NFL Draft เริ่มต้นเปลี่ยนจากงานฟุตบอลระดับฮาร์ดคอร์สำหรับนักเล่นที่มีชีวิตชีวาไปเป็นสุดสัปดาห์ในฝันของนักเล่นที่น่าตื่นตาตื่นใจ ทุกสิ่งที่ต้องรู้เกี่ยวกับข้อดีข้อเสียของ NFL Draft

ไม่มีดราม่าในเรื่องอันดับ 1

อีกครั้งหนึ่งตามลำดับกันในที่ๆ ของบอร์ดดราฟท์ว่าใครจะได้อันดับ 1 โดยรวมและที่แรกที่เริ่มต้นเสมอ เป็นประจำทุกปีของบอร์ดดราฟท์ 2 คนที่ได้อันดับ ที่มีโอกาสชนะสูงมักจะเป็นปีที่มีโอกาสชนะสูงที่สุดเสมอสำหรับเพย์ตันแมนนิ่งกับไรอันลีฟหรือตัวอย่างล่าสุดอย่างจาเร็ดกอกอกับคาร์สัน เวนท์ซ

ในปี 2020 ไม่มีเรื่องดราม่าแต่อย่างใดที่มักจะพูดถึงเรื่องบ้าๆ บอๆ เกิดขึ้นจริงๆ โจ เบอร์โรว์ควอเตอร์แบ็กของ LSU กลายเป็นเต็งที่จะได้อันดับ 1 อีกครั้งเพื่อดูทีมCincinnati Bengals หรือทีม อื่นๆ ที่เทรดเดอร์เพื่อคว้าตัวเขา เบอร์โรว์มีอัตราการเปรียบเทียบอยู่ที่ -2200 และผู้เล่นที่ใกล้เคียงที่สุดคนต่อไปคือ เชสยังคงปราการหลังตัวรับของ Ohio State ที่ +1200 ยุทธวิธีสอนใจของเรื่องนี้ อย่าทำอะไรกับเรื่องนี้เป็นครั้งแรก

ตัวเลือกในตัวเลือก 2 -5

ปีนี้เชื่อว่าใครจะได้ไปต่อนั้นจะเป็นอันดับที่ 2 ถึง 5 โดยทีม Redskins เลือกอันดับ 2 ถือเป็นเรื่องเล็กน้อย แต่การเลือกอันดับ 3 ถึง 5 สุดท้ายก็สนุกแน่นอน

ในการเลือกรอบที่ 2 ความเชื่อแบบเดิมๆ บอกว่าพวกเขาจะเลือก Young แต่ถ้าคุณรู้จัก Redskins ดีอยู่แล้ว พวกเขาคาดเดาได้ยากจริงๆ หลังจากการรวมตัวของ NFL Draft มีข่าวลือว่า Skins อาจเลือก Tua Tagovailoa ควอเตอร์แบ็กจาก Alabama ที่ได้รับบาดเจ็บด้วยการเลือกรอบที่ 2 แม้ว่าจะยังดูไม่น่าเป็นไปได้ แต่ก็อาจมีการเทรดตัวส่งสัญญาณที่บาดเจ็บได้เช่นกัน ดังนั้นการเดิมพันให้ Tagovailoa อยู่ที่รอบที่ 2 อาจทำให้คุณทำเงินได้บ้าง

สำหรับ 3 ถึง 5 นี่แทบจะแน่นอนว่าจะเป็นการผสมผสานกันระหว่าง Tagovailoa, Isaiah Simmons จาก Clemson และ Jeff Okudah จาก Ohio State การคาดเดาว่าผู้เล่นทั้ง 3 คนนี้จะออกจากห้องสีเขียวในลำดับใดน่าจะทำให้คุณได้รับเงินก้อนโตเพื่อเริ่มต้นการเดิมพันดราฟต์ปี 2020 ของคุณได้อย่างมั่นคง คุณสามารถ ยูฟ่าเบท ผลลัพธ์เหล่านี้ได้ในรูปแบบตำแหน่งดราฟต์สูง/ต่ำ หรือผ่านมันนี่ไลน์หากคุณคิดว่าคุณสามารถทำได้พอดี


ตามที่ได้กล่าวไว้ข้างต้น Burrow และ Tagovailoa เป็นตัวเต็งที่จะเป็นควอเตอร์แบ็ก 2 คนแรกบนเวทีในเดือนเมษายน สถานการณ์ควอเตอร์แบ็กรอบแรกเริ่มน่าสนใจขึ้นเมื่อคำถามว่าใครจะเป็นควอเตอร์แบ็กคนที่ 3 ที่ได้ยินชื่อของพวกเขาถูกเรียก การดีเบตนี้กำลังดุเดือดมากจนถึงขนาดที่ผู้เชี่ยวชาญการดราฟต์ 2 คนของ ESPN อย่าง Mel Kiper, Jr. และ Todd McShay ยอมเดิมพัน5,000 ดอลลาร์ (เพื่อการกุศล) ในคำถามนี้ด้วยเงินของพวกเขาเอง

Kiper ผู้เชี่ยวชาญการดราฟต์ NFL คนแรกยังคงแข็งแกร่ง เขาชื่นชอบ Justin Herbert ควอเตอร์แบ็กของ Oregon และรูปร่างและความแข็งแรงของแขนของเขา ในทางกลับกัน McShay เป็นแฟนตัวยงของ Jordan แห่ง Utah State และความสามารถด้านกีฬาที่ลื่นไหลของเขา คุณไม่จำเป็นต้องจ่ายเงิน 5,000 เหรียญ แต่การปล่อยให้เงินเล็กน้อยไปกับนักดราฟต์ ESPN ที่คุณชอบที่สุดก็เป็นเรื่องสนุกมาก


อีกวิธีที่ดีในการเดิมพันดราฟต์คือการเลือกสูง/ต่ำในกลุ่มตำแหน่งในรอบแรก วิธีนี้จะทำให้การเดิมพันของคุณดำเนินต่อไปได้จนถึงช่วงท้ายของรอบ และหากคุณวางเดิมพันหรือทำตามการดราฟต์จำลองที่ดี คุณก็อาจทำเงินได้ดี

เช่นเดียวกับอัตราต่อรองส่วนใหญ่ ผู้กำหนดอัตราต่อรองในลาสเวกัสเก่งมากในการวางไลน์และสูง/ต่ำ คาสิโนขนาดใหญ่และหรูหราเหล่านั้นในทะเลทรายไม่ได้สร้างตัวเองขึ้นเอง อย่างไรก็ตาม มีมูลค่าที่ดีบางอย่างหากคุณสามารถระบุกลุ่มตำแหน่งที่เป็นที่ต้องการมากที่สุดหรือต่ำที่สุดก่อนการดราฟท์ ในปี 2019 เป็นปีที่มีการป้องกันหนักมากโดยมีพรสวรรค์มากมายออกมาในฝั่งนั้นของลูกบอล ด้วยเหตุนี้ OL, TE, WR และ QB ทั้งหมดจึงต่ำลงและ RB ก็ผลักไปที่ 1

ในปี 2020 ความจริงกลับตรงกันข้าม และมีผู้เล่นแนวรุกที่มีพรสวรรค์มากมายที่ทีมต่างๆ อยากได้ในช่วงต้นของดราฟต์ ควรมีควอเตอร์แบ็ค 4 คนที่ถูกเลือกจาก 15 อันดับแรก และจะไม่น่าแปลกใจเลยหากอันดับ 5 หรือ 6 จะถูกเลือกในตอนท้ายของรอบแรก นอกจากนี้ ยังควรมีผู้เล่นแนวรุกจำนวนมากในรอบแรก

ผู้ชนะรายใหญ่ในรอบแรกจะเป็นผู้เล่นตำแหน่งไวด์รีซีเวอร์ ปีนี้จะเป็นคลาสผู้เล่นตำแหน่งไวด์รีซีเวอร์ในประวัติศาสตร์ และพวกเขาอาจได้เห็นผู้เล่นตำแหน่งไวด์รีซีเวอร์ 5 หรือ 6 คนผ่านเข้ารอบแรกได้ทั้งหมด หากคุณพบไลน์ที่มีผู้เล่นตำแหน่งโอแอล, ควอเตอร์แบ็ก หรือ WR อยู่ที่ 5 หรือต่ำกว่านั้น ก็เลือกได้เลย เพราะคุณน่าจะปลอดภัยหากเลือก 6 คนในตำแหน่งทั้งสามนี้


อย่าปล่อยให้ช่วงปิดฤดูกาล NFL ทำให้คุณกลายเป็นนักพนัน มีอนาคตที่ดีมากมายให้เดิมพัน และแน่นอนว่ารวมถึง NFL Draft ด้วย การเดิมพันดราฟต์เป็นวิธีที่ดีในการใช้เวลาสุดสัปดาห์ และเคล็ดลับสุดท้ายคือ ให้แน่ใจว่าคุณวางเดิมพันแบบโยนเหรียญว่าผู้เล่นคนสุดท้ายที่คัดเลือกมาอย่าง Mr. Irrelevant จะเป็นผู้เล่นฝ่ายรุกหรือฝ่ายรับ ซึ่งจะทำให้คุณลงทุนจนหมดตัว

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